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I am a designer interested in the creation of websites and mobile apps. I am also a fighting game, card game, and board game enthusiast. I want to bring the fun and joy to other players who are interested in peer to peer play through the use of my mobile app to help make friends and build communities.

My project is designed through the use of GIMP and Figma, one software for art and image editing and the other for design and creating the user experience. What inspires me is the community. People gather together around a similar interest, to enjoy the medium and each other’s company, and form a bond through real, in-person meetings. Making online friends is great but meeting them in person is amazing. Through these meetings, people can experience competition, friendship, and support, from the communities they become a part of.

And that is what I want to create with my app. The user experience doesn’t only begin and end with the app. The user experience extends into the user’s life, to their current and future relationships. I want to extend this philosophy to my future works, whether websites or mobile apps, that a closed application does not mean the end of the user experience.

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